Three Men in a Boat

Punting is not as easy as it looks. One young man I knew had a very sad accident the first time we went punting.

Before Watching/Listening

You are going to hear what happened to the young man and the punt

  1. Which of one these words do you not expect to hear.

confidence * beach * pole * scenery *

Punting is not as easy as it looks.

Quick Check: True or False?

  1. Punting is easy.
  2. The pole gets stuck.
  3. Children on the river bank try to help.

Reading WorksheetChapter 15 – with quick check questions & glossary.

Original text: Three Men in a Boat (to say nothing of the dog)

Extension Listening: Listen to this interview with Nia in Cambridge, England

Quick Check: True or False

  1. Nia first started punting when at university.
  2. She has been a tour guide on punts for around four years.
  3. Her next tour will be her fifth that day.
  4. Many tourists want to know about the ducks on the river.
  5. Many local people enjoy punting.
  6. The river is crowded with punts in the evening.

Answer Sheet



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