Tag: Teaching Ideas
The Long Black Veil
Folk song about murder, love, loss, betrayal & a ghost! Listening comprehension (3 minutes/verses). Language level – intermediate B1-2
Cow Crash (B1)
This story happened in Cambodia. 1. What is the capital of Cambodia?
Whistle and I’ll Come to You, My Lad
Whistle and I Will Come to You is a classic English ghost story by M.R James. Adapted for audio with linked text & learning activities.
The Signalman by Charles Dickens
A signalman receives mysterious messages on a lonely rail line. Classic Dickens ghost story, adapted for English language learners. Links to original text, plus full audio, learning activities and teaching notes
A Thief Regrets
Teacher appeals to thief – with a surprising result. Short text reading and listening comprehension – with with audio and worksheets. English language level: intermediate
What do you know about snow leopards?
Fun facts about snow leopards. Short listening comprehension