Tag: listening
Did Thomas Edison invent the modern world?
Was Thomas Edison the greatest modern inventor? Or did he take credit for the work of others. Short listening comprehension: Intermediate B1-2
The Man who Fell to Earth
In 1928 the tycoon Alfred Loewenstein fles from London to Brussels. He never arrives
How do cats walk?
How Cats Walk – elementary listening activity for young learners. English language level A1-2
How to Treat a Sprained Ankle
Treating a sprained ankle. Medical English: vocabulary & listening for non specialists. Language level: intermediate B2 FCE
Fun Facts About Greenland
Fun Facts About Greenland – short presentation with learning materials. English language level: intermediate+ Listening (A2-B1) and Reading (B2)
Ding Dong Dave
Old Bob is retiring so who will ring the church bells at the wedding of the bishop’s niece?
Ringing Church Bells: FAQ
estimated 40,000 volunteers ring the bells in Britain’s churches. Reading, vocabulary & listening materials for English language learners. With worksheets and ; answers. CER language level: A2/B1 upwards.
What do you know about Hawaii?
Fun Facts About Hawaii – short presentation with learning materials. English language level: intermediate+ Listening (A2-B1) and Reading (B2).
Sherlock Holmes: Blue Carbuncle
Adapted opening of the first Sherlock Holmes adventure. Reading worksheet with answers for English language learners. English language level: intermediate.
Fun Facts About Our Bones
Ten Fun Facts About Bones – short slideshow with learning activities. English language level – lower intermediate