Tag: b1
Did Thomas Edison invent the modern world?
Was Thomas Edison the greatest modern inventor? Or did he take credit for the work of others. Short listening comprehension: Intermediate B1-2
The Lost Trousers
Wrong trousers’ dispute ends in a multi-million dollar court case. Reading and listening for English language learners: level B1
It’s raining cows!
Cows raining from the sky? Strange news story with worksheet. English language level: B1
Ringing Church Bells: FAQ
estimated 40,000 volunteers ring the bells in Britain’s churches. Reading, vocabulary & listening materials for English language learners. With worksheets and ; answers. CER language level: A2/B1 upwards.
Fun Facts About Our Bones
Ten Fun Facts About Bones – short slideshow with learning activities. English language level – lower intermediate
Introducing The Beatles
How The Beatles began – presentation, quiz & worksheet. English language level A2+
A Halloween Ghost Story
Classic late-Victorian ghost story adapted for audio. A young couple move to the country. Every night they visit a beautiful local church. Inside there are two marble statues. Why do these statues frighten local people? And what is the secret of the broken marble finger? Adapted from Man Size in Marble (1893) E. Nesbit, writer…
What is Halloween? Is it a religious festival?
Hallowe’en or All-Hallows-Eve takes place on the night of 31 October. Hallow is the old English word for saint.
How did The Beatles get their name?
How The Beatles did The Beatles get their name? Why the strange spelling. Listening comprehension for English language learners at intermediate
How to write about a painting
How to write about a painting. Simple guide.