How to write about a painting

Task: Describe what you can see in this painting:

English Language Level: Intermediate & above: CEFr A2-B2

First you need basic technical information:

Name of artist: Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)

Title: Postman Joseph Rouin 

Date: 1888 Medium: Oil on canvas

Now describe this painting by answering the following. Try to include at least some of the keywords listed. 

What can you see?

  • Describe figures, objects, setting etc.
  • What first catches your eye?
  • What is the main focus point?

Keywords: subject, focus point, angular, form, shape

The Narrative (story)

  • What is happening in the painting? Is it easy to understand?
  • Can you identify any symbols? What do the symbols stand for?

Keywords:  represents, symbols, reference to, allusion 

Composition: How is the piece arranged?

What is in the foreground (front)? The background? The mid-ground?

See this video for beginners guide to describing composition

Keywords: composition, background, foreground, mid-ground, perspective, foreshortening, 

Techniques, materials and processes

  • Which materials are used?
  • How are these materials applied?
  • Skills displayed by the artist?
  • Are the marks jagged? Smooth? Repeated? Small/large? Varied?

Keywords:  marks, texture, line, flat, curved, relief, 

Colour and tones

Are the colours complementary (matching) or contrasting? Which colours are dominant? Shadow? Tone (light/dark) & shading?

Keywords:  complementary colours, palette, light, shade, tone, contrast

Now analyse the painting by answering these questions

Compare & Contextualise 

  • Does the piece part of a wider artistic movement? (E.g. Van Gogh is sometimes called a post-impressionist)
  • Which techniques/colours/materials are typical of that movement?
  • Does the piece remind you of the work of another artist?

Keywords: artistic movement, school

Atmosphere mood & emotion

  • How does it make you feel? Why?
  • Is the work still/quiet? Noisy/happy? Sad? Frantic? Calm?

Keywords: mood, emotion, expresses, unsettling

Your view

Do you like this painting? Why? Why not?

Key Phrases:  my response to this piece is…/I particularly like/I felt … worked well/less well/I admire the way the Van Gogh.

How to Write About a Painting download free step-by-step worksheet. 

Extension: Writing Activity

  1. Write a visual analysis of Ophelia by John Everett-Millais  

Fred & Rita: Paint it Black Worksheet


Fred & Rita are college students. They argue about everything.

Fred is not a fan of modern art. ‘I don’t get it” he tells Rita

Fred & Rita: Paint It Black – reading/worksheet to practise some key language in this area

Skills Practice: Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking & Use of English

Resources: reading & worksheets, quizzes, presentations, teaching notes & extension materials.

Exam LevelPreliminary (PET)PET for Schools - Preliminary English Test (B1)