- What do you know about Hawaii? Write down one fact
- Watch the video below.
Write down three more facts about Hawaii
Language Level: CEF B1 Skills: Listening/Vocabulary
True or false?
1. There are eighteen islands in Hawaii.
2. Hawaii island is also called Big Island.
3. Space rockets are launched from Hawaii
4. Hawaii is the only U.S. state that grows coffee.
5. Hawaiians import more pineapples that any other US state.
6. English and Hawaiian are the official state languages.
7. The Hawaiian alphabet also has twenty-six letters.
8. Honolulu is the state capital of the Hawaii.
9. Hawaii is not in north America.
10. Mt. Waialeale is the sunniest place in America
You can check your answers here
Extension Reading & Writing Activity (B1+)
Choose one of the islands described in this fact sheet and write a single page guide for tourists. You can include illustrations