The bell ringer who doesn’t need ropes!

English Language Level: intermediate: A21B1
Before Listening:
- Look at the image above. What can you see?
- Church do not bells ring
a) for a wedding b) to wake up the vicar/priest
3. Church bells are housed in
a) a bell house b) a bell tower
This is the first part of a funny story. Listen and try to answer these questions:
- Who is retiring? Why?
- Why does the bishop need a bell ringer?
- Who does Old Bob suggest
- What is the warning Old Bob gives the bishop
Listening Quick Check choose from words below to fill the gaps
- There once was a —– church with a bell tower
- Bob — the church bell for sixty five years.
- On his — birthday Bob —
- “I can’t find anyone to — you, Bob.”
- The bishop’s — is getting married.
rang * tall * tiny * retired * niece * 9th * 90th * release * replace
Now listen again – and to the rest of Part One
What do you think will happen?
Listen to the final part of the story
You can read whole story (with audio) here
Bell Idiom – Reading Worksheet * Vocabulary Extension Worksheet