Category: FCE
Did Thomas Edison invent the modern world?
Was Thomas Edison the greatest modern inventor? Or did he take credit for the work of others. Short listening comprehension: Intermediate B1-2
Introducing The Beatles
How The Beatles began – presentation, quiz & worksheet. English language level A2+
How did The Beatles get their name?
How The Beatles did The Beatles get their name? Why the strange spelling. Listening comprehension for English language learners at intermediate
Beware of the Parrot
The dog is not dangerous but the parrot…
The Beatles – Song Titles Puzzle
Beatles pictogram by Viktor Hertz. Find the 20 song titles. English language level A2+
Beatles Quiz
Beatles Quiz: people & places before they were famous. English language level B1+ Google interactive without sign in.
Young John Lennon
The Young John Lennon – presentation, quiz & worksheet. English language level A2+
Paul McCartney Remembers
Paul McCartney remembers the music of his childhood. English language listening materials. (B1+)