Category: B2
Which countries do not have official language?
Listening activity for upper intermediate – FCE, IELTs etc. With worksheet & answers English language level B1/2
Why does the USA not have an official language?
Listening activity for upper intermediate – FCE, IELTs etc. With worksheet & answers English language level B1/2
Journal of a Plague Year
The Great Plague of London (1665/6) was perhaps the most important medical emergency in English history. Daniel Defoe wrote A Journal of a Plague Year many years later. It begins with the unnamed narrator reporting alarming news from Europe.
History of Surgery Quiz
Early Surgery Quiz – short listening comprehension activity for English language learners at intermediate & above. Aimed at non specialists.
The story of early surgery
Early surgery- short listening comprehension activity for English language learners at intermediate & above. Aimed at non specialists.